Why Does My Parrot Chew His Perch?

Have you ever notice playing in the cage but then all of a sudden your parrot starts chewing his perch?

So you must be thinking – Why does my parrot chew his perch?

The answer to this is..

Parrots chew their perch because chewing is an exercise that helps them keep their beaks fit and trim.

A parrot beak can be considered as a human fingernail that is continually growing and requires maintenance. 

How often do you see a parrot sitting or lying down idle?

Parrots are often seen swinging on their perch or chewing it, playing with a toy, feeding their little ones, or interacting with their owners.

The majority of these activities are accomplished using the beak. 

That pretty much explains why parrots chew their perch often. 

Here’s what you’re going to discover in this article

  • Why do parrots chew on wood
  • How to stop your parrot chewing wood?
  • Is it okay for your birdie to chew on wood?

Sound good?


Let’s fly right in

Why Do Parrots Chew On Wood?

Before we look at how to stop your parrot from chewing on wood and on their perch

Let’s look at why your parrot chews on wood

What’s the reason behind it?

Parrots chew on wood to alleviate their anxiety and loneliness.

But the question remains. 

Why do they do that in the first place? 

Parrot owners often overlook their feathered friend’s needs and fail to understand their unusual behavior, such as chewing wood.  

Wild parrots are primarily seen in groups or at least with a companion;

However, when you adopt a single parrot, it becomes uncomfortable and feels lonely, at least in the beginning.

This feeling of loneliness leads the parrot to adopt aberrant behavior like chewing wood. 

Parrots are always craving attention and love!

Well, that one isn’t confined to parrots only. Pun Intended. 

If a parrot owner fails to give proper attention to their pet parrots due to any reason, the tiny creature gets upset and starts chewing the wood in distress.

They channel all their anger and frustration of not getting enough attention from their owners into chewing the wood, much like how we bang our fists against the wall or vent out on a friend out of frustration.  

If this negligence from the owner’s side continues, the parrot develops a strong habit of chewing the wood habitually. 

So if you don’t want your parrot to grind on your wooden furniture and hurt itself, spend quality time with it and ensure it feels loved and valued. 

Try to set a time everyday to spend some quality time with your parrot

You should allow your parrot out of cage time

This will allow your parrot to fly around and also gives you the opportunity to bond with your parrot

Check out my article – How much time should I spend with my parrot?

Okay, so now that we know the reason behind your parrot chewing on wood

Let’s look at how you can stop this behavior

Carry on reading..

How Do I Stop My Parrot From Chewing Wood?

The best way to stop your parrot from chewing wood is to distract them. 

Engage them in physical activity.

For instance, set up a place with natural tree branches and a sisal rope for your parrot to climb around.

Make sure your parrot gets a sufficient area to enjoy its physical activities. 

What are friends for? 

Get your parrot a companion parrot that keeps him busy and distracted while you are gone. 

Both parrots will play together and become too busy to chew the wood.

If you own a single parrot, getting him a companion parrot is highly recommended because a single parrot would be more comfortable with a partner even if kept in adjacent cages.

The companionship and comfort will prevent your parrot from chewing wood. 

While these things will help keep your parrot and the wood poles apart, the best way to keep your parrots away from chewing wood is your love and attention.

A little attention and care are all they expect from their owners. 

Parrots are known to be drama-creators and attention-seekers!

Maybe your parrot chews the wood just to seek your attention? 

Take your feathered friend out of the cage, and spend quality time with it.

Try conversing and walking it around the house to familiarize it with his new home.

Keep him under your strict supervision and instruct him with hand gestures not to go near the wooden furniture, so he learns not to chew it. 

Need another idea? 

Get them a good alternative of wood. Pineapple foraging or wooden bird toys, for instance, will keep them busy and distracted.  

Related articles you may be interested in

Do parrots love their owners? 

7 funny things to teach your parrot to say

 Is It Actually OK For Birds To Chew On Wood?


Chewing wood is an excellent exercise for parrots to keep their beaks in good shape and investigate various objects. 

However, not all woods are appropriate to chew upon.

As a bird owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your parrot is chomping on a bird-safe wood!

First, determine your parrot’s age, size, and type, and select wooden toys and perch accordingly.

According to most veterinarians, softwoods such as balsa or yucca are best if your feathered friend is in the learning phase.

These woods will give the baby parrots much-needed confidence to chew on the wood.

Manzanita or apple woods are the most recommended for mature parrots, who are already familiar with chewing the wood.

Woods such as cedar, red cherry, and plywood must be avoided when constructing toys or perches for the parrots. 

If your parrot is well-trained and surrounded by its recommended wood, then it is completely fine for it to chew the wood.

Always talk to your vet to seek expert advice regarding which wood is good for your parrot

Wrapping Up 

Parrots chew their perch to trim their beaks and keep them sharp.

Since parrots conduct most activities using their beak, it is significant that their beaks remain in good shape. 

However, being a parrot owner, it is your responsibility to ensure that your feathered friend is munching on a parrot-safe wood that won’t hurt them in any way. 

Train your parrot to only stick to its recommended wood and not end up chewing other woods so that it can wander around your house freely and happily!

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We at birdcageshere.com write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on birdcageshere.com is for educational purposes only. At birdcageshere.com we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.