Why Does My Budgie Talk To His Toys?

Budgies are fantastic pets as these winged creatures are easy to care for, great fun to watch, and loyal like man’s best friend.

But, any budgie parent will vouch that it is bewildering to figure out budgie behavior as these adorable birds do the funniest things.

So, if you’ve lately found your budgie talking to its toys, you need not worry that your beloved pet is possessed.

Budgies sometimes talk to their toys, reflective objects, and even to themselves when they lack company.

And, budgies talk to toys for multiple reasons – boredom, social interaction, showing affection, or simply because it’s a beautiful, bright day and your budgie is in a joyful mood.

Let’s delve a little deeper into the subject and try to discover what drives your feathered friend to have long conversations with its toys.

You will also find out the reason behind your pet’s peculiar antics.

Why Do Budgies Talk To Their Toys? (In Detail)

Budgies are one of the most popular avian domestic pets across the globe.

The reason behind their global regard is that budgies are highly social birds.

They love to cuddle, snuggle, chit chat with their humans, and even sing or chirp.

In general, budgies are happy and friendly creatures.

So, like most happy budgies, your budgie will exhibit its happiness by talking, singing, or chirping.

The more your bird feels comfortable and safe in its environment, the more likely it will chat.

And, budgies aren’t discerning conversationalists.

So, they’ll talk to just about anything when they’re in a good mood.

Umpteen videos on YouTube show budgies talking to their humans, toys, toaster, mirrors, and even other domestic pets.

Now, budgies don’t just talk when they are cheery.

No, budgies are social birds with a ‘flock’ mentality.

Even if you’ve raised your bird from an egg, the eagerness to mingle and socialize is an inherent quality that captivity doesn’t suppress.

So, if your budgie is snug and secure in its home, it will talk. 

Keeping a social and active bird like a budgie means that it needs to have physical and mental stimulation.

The moment your beloved pet feels bored, it’ll start looking for means to entertain itself.

In most cases, toys play a major role in alleviating monotony.

But, after a while, your bird will look to spend interacting with humans, other birds, other pets, and sometimes in desperate need with favorite things such as toys.

Also, budgies talk when they want to show affection.

Budgies are birds of prey, so you won’t find your birdie talking when it’s not feeling safe in its home.

But, budgies start yapping to humans, other pets and even favored toys when they start to bond.

The only way to be sure that your bird is bonding with its toys is when it starts to regurgitate and talk to its toys.

Also, if your bird is getting too attached, it will not allow anyone or anything to come close to its favorite toy.

The only time you need to practice a little caution when it comes to your bird netting attached to its toys is when your pet gets aggressive.

To prevent such a situation, budgie keepers are suggested to rotate the placement of your budgie’s toys.

Replace old toys with new ones if your pet starts to regurgitate too much food for its toy and begins to lose weight.

Why Is My Budgie So Chatty?

There’s no need to fret if your budgie is being chatty.

It just goes to show that your bird is feeling safe and relaxed in its current environment.

In some cases, budgies that are alone often start to feel a tad bit lonely. 

Getting a companion for your budgie will probably calm your birdie down and prevent your feathered friend from being too loud or chatty.

You should know that most budgie owners relish their pet’s chattiness, and if you find that your pet is causing you too much distraction, then maybe a budgie isn’t for you after all.

What Are The Signs Of A Happy Budgie?

You need to understand that a budgie doesn’t show a positive frame of mind through vocalization.

You will witness that your budgie’s entire body language and temperament are different when happy.

So, you can split the signs of a happy budgie into three categories:

      • Body language
      • Vocalization
      • Temperament

Let’s get into more detail about these three categories

Body language

Budgies who feel joy express their sentiments by moving their bodies differently.

Let’s look into some of the actions you will see when your budgie is glad:

      • Head bobbing
      • Head tilting
      • Slightly twitching wings
      • Standing on one leg
      • Shaking its tongue

More than anything else, you need to look at your bird’s entire demeanor to judge whether your budgie is feeling cheerful.


You need to know that a fearful or unwell budgie will be a quiet bird.

So, if you notice that your bird is singing and head bobbing at the same time, then it’s probably feeling elated.

Here’s a few of the vocalization your budgie will use to show you its enthusiasm:

      • Chirping
      • Whistling
      • Singing
      • Chattering
      • Clicking
      • Talking (of course)


when a budgie is satisfied and feeling content, then your bird will allow itself to relax and exhibit its true personality to you.

Budgies who are happy don’t just talk and entertain; they are healthier and never demonstrate aggressive behaviors.

So, when your birdie is relaxed and snug as a bug in its home, it will:

      • Play more
      • Eat better
      • Sleep better
      • Be calmer
      • Enjoy grooming itself
      • Practice flying

Wrapping Up

Your budgie will do many things to keep itself entertained.

The only time it will look for entertainment is when your feathered baby bonds with you and feels secure in its environment.

A happy budgie will talk to its toys but so do bored ones.

However, as a pet parent, you will have to look at your bird’s entire demeanor at the moment to understand whether your budgie is talking to its pet to show affection or it is simply trying to make a polite conversation with a cage mate.


We at birdcageshere.com write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on birdcageshere.com is for educational purposes only. At birdcageshere.com we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.