Why Does My Parrot Keep Screaming?

If you’re a parrot owner, chances are you already know parrots are incredibly communicative. 

As much as we’d love to understand them, their sweet chatter may often turn into obnoxiously loud, unwanted screams.

Whether it is hunger, boredom, them getting stuck, an injury or simply because they’re overjoyed or want your attention, parrots are naturally vocal birds. 

Whatever reason, shouting back at them should definitely not be the solution you should choose to implement.

You may just be trading off your peace and quiet as they continue to mimic your shouting, although this time, with a higher pitch!

Why Is My Parrot Screaming? (Possible Reasons) 

They’re bored!

Yes, in the parrot world, that is a valid reason to scream.

Parrots are known to be attention-seekers and drama creators.

Whenever they scream, they’re just yearning to have an interaction with their owner. 

Signs to look out for: 

  • Constant screaming 
  • Trying to get out of the cage 
  • Feather picking
  • Aggressive biting 

They Might Be Craving Some Snacks

Who doesn’t love treats?

All birds have their favorite treats that they might be craving.

If you haven’t fed your birds well, they’d naturally scream out of hunger.

But a quick treat every now and then will keep them tamed and feel loved.

Give them their favorite nuts, so they don’t go nuts!

Signs to look out for: 

  • Making noises 
  • Hunting for seeds around the cage 
  • Head bobbing 

Are They Frightened? 

Are they resting well?

Are they stuck?

Is there another pet in your house that frightens them?

Look out for signs to understand why your parrot is screaming so much.

They might be injured, stuck or frightened of something. 

Signs to look out for: 

  • Sudden Screaming/ Change in screaming style
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Feather Picking or Self-Mutilation 
  • Being in a corner, not being active 

It’s Party Time!

A happy mood can prevail lot’s of whistling, Singing and Talking that you may translate as screaming.

A happy parrot would love to make noises, and its body language will tell you that it’s party time for him!

A happy bird would wiggle, interact with you and would love a lot of cuddles.

Signs to look out for:

  • Wiggling
  • Making whistling/ soft chattering sounds 
  • Eye-pinning in excitement 

Now if your parrot doesn’t scream during the day but during the night, this can be a HUGE problem

It can cause you a lack of sleep especially if you have to be up early morning for work!

Let’s look at why your parrot screams at night

Why Does My Parrot Scream At Night? 

Your parrot may be screaming at night because of night freights.

Make sure your parrot’s cage is in a safe place, where nothing unusual spooks him.

It’s also not a best idea to cover the cage completely. 

Although it may help the birds sleep in peace for some, covering up birds entirely might make them more anxious as they’re unable to see their surroundings or feel the presence of their owners.  

I actually talk about setting up the bird cage at night in my article in more detail which you can check out – My parrot sleeps during the day

Now that we know the possible reasons your parrot is screaming

Let’s look at how you can stop this behavior!

How To Stop A Parrot From Screaming

When your parrot keeps screaming it can become really annoying!

But the last thing you’d want to do is encourage this behavior

So let’s look at how to stop a parrot from screaming

Give them undivided attention

Parrots often get bored and lonely.

Giving them undivided attention and playtime would keep them entertained and happy.

Parrots tend to have a closer bond with their owner.

Make sure they’re not alone throughout the day, and if you can, buy more than one parrot, so the two are there for each other when you’re not around.

Let them be free to move around 

Parrots may get frustrated in the cage.

If they’re flapping around in the cage trying to get out, let them.

They may be wanting to roam around the place for a while.

Let them be out of the cage while you can monitor them and be close around.

Leaving them on their own is a big no, but so is caging them when they want more space to roam and play!

Interactive toys might be a game-changer 

Interactive toys will not only keep your parrot entertained but also keep it active.

Chew-it toys are the best for wrapping a treat around and hanging it in the cage.

You can rotate toys and replace them every week.

Playing interactive games with your bird is a fun way to spend time together. 

Check out my article how to keep parrots entertained 

Make them feel safe and loved 

Keep your parrot’s cage in a place where unnecessary noise won’t disturb or frighten your birds.

Often they can get disturbed by even the slightest noises like the buzzing of the refrigerator.

Anything can become a cause for their frustration; keep it low around them!

Take care of their diet

A healthy and happy parrot will become a source of your joy.

If you’re not feeding him well, their hunger and thirst will become your nightmare.

Taking care of their diet would mean fulfilling their dietary requirements while ensuring they don’t get overweight. 

Browse around my website as I have plenty of articles about what parrots can eat!

Clean the cage!

Bacteria and mould can build up if maintaining your bird’s cage isn’t your priority. Not only will it harm the bird, but it may also become a health hazard for you and your family. Cleaning the cage every week is an excellent start to keeping everyone safe and sound.

Wrapping Up

For starters, finding the source of why your parrot keeps screaming should be a way to troubleshoot the problem.

Next, train your bird that screaming won’t get him your attention; instead, reward it for toning it down. 

Try and test ways to help your bird feel more comfortable and develop trust, so he feels safe and homely.

Find a routine, some exercise to keep busy and a healthy environment to play, grow and nourish.

Follow up with the breeder or an expert to help you take the best course of action required for your bird’s health for any sudden or abnormal changes you notice. 


We at birdcageshere.com write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on birdcageshere.com is for educational purposes only. At birdcageshere.com we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.