Do Robins Sleep In Their Nests At Night?

The nest of a robin is not a bed.

As with most birds, the nest is an incubator or a baby cradle.

Usually, a robin will not sleep in the nest until it has laid enough eggs to sit on.

Once the eggs have hatched, they will continue sleeping on the nest for about a week until the hatchlings have grown feathers and can keep themselves warm.

Generally, robins roost on tree branches or any other safe place and not in their nests. 

Let’s get into more detail in this article

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Do Robins Sleep With Their Babies at Night?

The robin sits on the eggs for two weeks until they hatch.

The mother robin will sleep in the nest with the hatchlings for up to a week to keep them warm.

A week after hatching, the baby robin will grow feathers to keep itself warm. 

Additionally, the mother has to leave the nest after a week since the babies have grown bigger and the nest is starting to get crowded.

The mother will return to sleeping on the branch but close by to watch after their chicks. 

Do Robins Sit in Their Nest At Night?

Robins sleep on the branches and other safe places at night.

Robins will only sit in their nest at night if they sit on their eggs for two weeks or take care of their hatchlings in the first week after hatching.

After a week, the babies have grown bigger, and the nest is too small to accommodate the mother robin.

So, it will start sleeping on the branches but near the nest.

That way it is close by and can keep an eye out on their babies

Does that mean Robins stay awake at night or do they sleep during the night?

Let’s find out

Do Robins Sleep All Night?

Robins are diurnal, which means they sleep at night and wander during the day to find food.

Additionally, robins have poor eyesight.

They cannot see and therefore cannot fly at night. 

Robins sleep as soon as the sun sets until dawn.

However, they sleep light as they stay alert in case a predator attacks. 

The number of hours they sleep depends on factors such as the season, the environment, and the age of the robin.

During winter in countries such as the UK, robins can sleep up to 16 hours as the nights are longer.

However, during summers, when the nights are shorter, robins get about 7.5 hours of sleep in a day.

The hatchlings stay in the nest full time.

So they are only awake for a few minutes when the parents come to feed them. 

Where Does Robin Sleep At Night?

As noted above, the robin does not sleep in the nest at night unless it is sitting on the eggs or keeping the babies warm after hatching.

The rest of the time, the robin will roost on a branch.

Usually, robins do not sleep on high trees.

They sleep on branches close to the ground but somewhere they deem safe from predators such as foxes, blue jays, hawks, and owls.

Here are a few safe places where robins like to sleep.


Trees are home to all kinds of birds.

Robins will usually sleep on low-lying branches on trees.

Also, they can hide in the nooks and crannies of tree trunks.

They prefer a spot where it will be easy to escape a predator just in case they get attacked

Bushes And Hedges

Another place robins consider safe for the night is on the hedges and bushes.

They prefer low-lying bushes and hedges to enable them to stay close to the ground and well hidden from predators at the same time.

Car Bonnet

It is common for a robin to make the bonnet of your car it’s home.

The car bonnet is warm and keeps it safe from predators.

However, they will be gone before sunrise, so you may not realize it slept there.

It would be a good idea just to make sure their are no Robins before you drive your car

The Shed

Sheds are warm, comfortable and dry.

So it is likely that these little birds will make it home for the night.

Also, it is hard for predators to access the shed which makes it safe and secure for robins

On Piles Of Logs

Another common place where robins are likely to sleep is on the pile of logs.

It is hard for predators to attack them when they’re on log piles

On Wellies

Another probable place the robin is likely to sleep for the night is on the wellies.

It is hard for predators to suspect a robin sleeping on the wellies.

Additionally, it is warm and close to the ground. 

I go into more detail in my article – Where do robins sleep at night?

Wrapping Up

Robins are diurnal birds that sleep during the night and are out and about foraging, feeding and mating during the day.

They have poor eyesight, therefore, cannot fly at night. 

Also, for robins the nests are for laying eggs and raising their hatchlings for about two weeks up to one month.

Generally, they roost on branches of trees and bushes for the night.

Robins prefer sleeping in low-lying areas close to the ground but well hidden from predators.

This is most safe and secure for them


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