How To Get A Bird Out Of Your House At Night?

It is inevitable sometimes that birds will enter your house, even late at night.

This is a common case for birds that often invade human territories like sparrows.

If a bird accidentally enters your house, especially at night, what should you do? 

Birds may accidentally go into your house and oftentimes, these birds get really stressed.

Your house may also be a cause of some injuries as well to a bird because of the panic mode a bird would be in.

Most people also find birds create a mess inside their house which makes the situation more annoying.

To get a bird out of your house especially at night, make sure you close all other exits except for one.

Some people have tried to guide a bird through a certain exit using a flashlight, and it has worked effectively.

To minimize the possible hazards, make sure you also remove all other things that may injure a bird for example, if you have a ceiling fan and it’s turn on, switch it off 

If the bird is in your kitchen, cover any pots and pans (if you’re cooking)

How Do You Get Rid Of a Bird In The House At Night? 

Whether your house is surrounded by bird nests or is generally a place for birds to stay, it is likely that some of them may enter your house.

This can be both stressful on you since some things in your house might get destroyed, and stressful on the bird because of panic and fear due to disorientation.

To get rid of a bird at night, make sure to close all possible exits that the bird may discover.

Only keep one door or window open that will lead the bird outside of your house as it will only make it easier for the bird to find their way. 

Since it is night and most birds are afraid of darkness, make sure you guide their way using a light, like a flashlight.

Be careful not to do anything that will freak out the bird, like making loud noises or chasing them away with an object. 

This will just make matters worse and will scare the bird

What Do You Do When a Bird Is Trapped In Your House? 

Some birds, unfortunately, may get trapped inside your house.

Should you encounter a bird being trapped inside your home, the first thing you need to do is to remain calm.

Shrieking out, screaming, and even other activities that would terrify the bird and would only make the situation worse.

Being calm and assessing what to do is the best course of action to do first.

Here’s what you should do

Make sure you also remove all things that are too important or may cause injuries to the bird.

The bird would most likely flap its wings and fly all over your house which may cause it to knock some things off.

Removing these objects would keep everything inside still intact and as well as not pose a danger to the animal.

Once everything is in place, remove all possible food and water sources that may cause the bird to stay inside your house.

It is likely that it will also come back once it discovers that they may get food inside of your home. 

Let the bird also find its way out by only keeping one exit, such as a door or window, open.

How Do You Catch a Bird In The House? 

Catching birds in the house may also be necessary if it has already been too tired, freaked out, or injured.

Make sure you still remove all important or dangerous things out of the way, so you can not risk the bird getting more injuries. 

Block all possible exits and if possible, lure out the bird with a food that would make them stay in one position.

Get a thin towel or fabric that you can use to catch the bird.

Remember that the cover should be heavy enough to keep the bird in place, but light enough to use and not to injure the bird 

How Do You Get a Bird To Come Out? 

Getting a bird to come out of your house should be on its own.

Do not chase the bird with a stick, broom, or anything that will terrify and injure them.

Simply let only one exit open and bright enough to catch the attention of the bird.

Do not scream and it is best to keep yourself calm while simply removing all possible obstacles that will get in the bird’s way.

Having the bird finding the way out on its own would be the best possible and least terrifying method to get rid of it 

Wrapping Up

Birds may sometimes get inside our home and it can really stressful for us and for them too.

After all, birds will become disoriented which may cause them to panic.

The best way to get a bird out of the house is to simply block all other exits except for one, and let it go on its own accord. 

You can also use a guiding light, like a flashlight, to show the bird the way.

It is important that you do not give them any reason to stay, like food or water, or else you’ll risk your house getting invaded by these animals more often. 


We at write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on is for educational purposes only. At we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.