Why Do Pigeons Coo Constantly?

Anyone that lives in a town or city will be familiar with pigeons.

We all hear the sounds that they make which is a distinctive coo.

The cooing might not be as loud and annoying as parrot squawking, but some people might find it bothersome.

This is generally the case for people that have pigeons nesting close by.

Pigeons coo for many reasons:

To communicate with one another

To breed,


To sound an alarm due to a nearby predator.

In this article we’re going to talk about the following

  • Why do pigeons coo (In detail)
  • What other noises to pigeons make?
  • How do you stop pigeons cooing?

Sound interesting?


Let’s get started!

Do Pigeons Coo?

Yes pigeons do coo and you’d probably hear them all the time

Especially if you see them on the streets

It can sometimes be non-stop

Now I know what you’re thinking

Why do pigeons coo?

Let’s find out

Why Do Pigeons Coo?

One of the main reasons pigeons coo is to communicate with one another.

Just like humans use speech to talk, pigeons will use their cooing noises to communicate certain things to other pigeons.

In particular, pigeons will coo to attract a mate or defend their territory.

More often than not, when you notice a flock of pigeons cooing, they are doing this to let other pigeons know that they are available to mate.

Just like some birds will dance around a potential partner to attract them, pigeons will coo to draw a female in.

Have a read of my article which I’m sure you’ll find interesting – Pigeons Kissing (What does it mean?) 

However, cooing is used for many other reasons besides mating.

When a flock of pigeons finds a predator in their territory, pigeons will coo together, making a loud noise, so that every bird in the flock is alerted of its presence.

In a similar way, pigeons of a flock will coo together to defend their territory from other unwanted intruders.

Do Pigeons Coo When They Are Happy?

Pigeons will also coo when they are hungry and when they’re happy.

Basically, this noise is used for a variety of different reasons and with distinct meanings.

Pigeons will coo when they are happy for example if they have found a suitable resting spot like your balcony 

Another time when they are happy and coo is when they are eating 

You’ve probably heard a pigeon coo when they are eating, either alone or in a flock 

They all pretty much coo which can be a sign of happiness  

So do pigeons only coo?

Or do they make any other noise or sound?

Let’s find out

What Other Noises Do Pigeons Make?

Although the coo is the noise most people will associate with a pigeon, pigeons make more noises besides cooing.

They might not use these noises as much as cooing, but it’s still worth noting.

Pigeons don’t have “songs” as many other bird species do, but occasionally, you might hear a mating song from a pigeon.

It sounds very much like cooing, but with slight modifications.

In fact, this type of cooing can be quite melodic and beautiful.

These birds can also grunt.

If a pigeon makes a grunting noise, it normally means that something is wrong.

Pigeons will grunt when they are injured or sometimes when a predator is nearby.

If you have a pigeon as a pet that regularly grunts, take them to an avian vet as this is not a happy sound!

Okay so now that we know why pigeons coo and we also know what other noises and sounds they make

You may be wondering or would like to know how to stop pigeons cooing

Especially if they have a nest near your house

Carry on reading to find out..

How Do You Stop Pigeons Cooing?

Cooing is natural for pigeons, so it’s impossible to stop a pigeon from cooing completely.

After all, it is their main method of communicating with the rest of the flock, so it would be cruel to stop it from cooing ever again (if that’s possible at all!).

However, if a pigeon has decided to nest outside your home and won’t stop cooing over and over again, it can get quite annoying.

There are some ways to discourage a pigeon from nesting near your home.

Food is the main attraction for pigeons, so make sure there are no food sources for the pigeons to keep coming to your home.

Close your bins and don’t think about throwing food scraps for these birds.

Pigeons are smart, and they will pick up quickly that your home is a great source of food if you keep finding ways to feed it.

You can think about installing spikes around window ledges, on the roof, and other areas where pigeons are likely to nest.

The spikes will make it less likely for pigeons to settle there.

You can also try putting reflective surfaces around your home so that it irritates the pigeons’ eyesight when it flies around your home.

Why Do Pigeons Coo In The Morning?

I guess pigeons coo in the morning to communicate with other pigeons

The calling is made to attract other pigeons or protect their territory

Now in the morning, it may be they are looking for the other pigeons so they constantly coo to try and call them

This is probably the reasons why pigeons make noise in the morning

Wrapping Up 

Pigeon coos can be quite irritating if they won’t stop making the noise, but it’s completely natural for them to do so.

This is their way of communicating with the rest of the flock in order to mate and protect themselves.

If you are hoping to hear less cooing around your home, the best thing you can do is to discourage pigeons from nesting near your home.

To do this, don’t feed the pigeons and make sure food is inaccessible.

It can also help to install some spikes or reflective surfaces to irritate the birds.

Here’s some related articles about pigeons which you will find interesting so do makes sure to check them out!

Do pigeons have ears? 

Do pigeons eat baby birds?

Where do pigeons go to die?

Do pigeons blink?

Why do pigeons fly into windows?

We at birdcageshere.com write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on birdcageshere.com is for educational purposes only. At birdcageshere.com we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.