Chickens are hyperactive animals; as soon as the sun goes up, they will excitedly head over to the door of their coop, wanting to get outside and play.
But a chicken that is not moving?
Now, that is something that you really need to pay attention to.
If your chicken is not moving, but is still breathing, then there is no doubt that something is wrong with your fowl.
Its inability to move can mean lethargy, paralysis, or is suffering from a critical illness.
Unfortunately, there are instances where unmoving chickens just die suddenly.
Immediately isolate or quarantine your sick fowl to protect your other chickens and flock.
Consult a veterinarian as soon as possible for immediate check up and treatment.
Why Is My Chicken Lethargic And Not Moving? (In Detail)
If your chicken suddenly stops moving, is unable to stand or walk, and is acting unusual, it is likely that it is sick.
A healthy and active chicken will actively move, forage for food, and even run wildly outside.
It is extremely unusual for them to be lethargic, unless they are not feeling too well
For these cases, it is highly suggested to keep the lethargic chicken separate from the flock as it may be suffering from a contagious disease.
Lethargy and the inability to move are symptoms of many diseases that it is impossible to determine unless you ask for a veterinarian’s help.
What Does It Mean When a Chicken Doesn’t Want To Move?
It could mean one thing: your chicken is sick.
Chickens are normally active and they are often seen moving, running, walking, and other sort of active activities, rather than staying in one position in a place.
It is best just to consult with a veterinarian to check the condition of your fowl.
Not wanting to move may be an indication of injuries, egg binding, and serious diseases.
Why Is My Chicken Listless?
Naturally, chickens can still be tired.
They are literally spending their energy every single day all doing their routines and activities.
So, it is not really surprising to see them looking listless after a long day.
However, it is different when your chicken is listless while also acting strangely.
It might also display concerning behaviors, such as loss of appetite, difficulty in walking or standing, head drooping, and many more.
If your fowl is showing these symptoms, it is urgent for you to keep your other chickens away from it.
This is necessary to prevent the spread of the disease, just in case it is contagious.
How Do You Treat a Lethargic Chicken?
If you determine that something is clearly wrong with your chicken, it is advisable for you to take actions to give it extra care.
1. Isolation
The first thing you need to do is isolate it.
As mentioned, your chicken may be lacking energy because it is sick.
It is also possible that its illness may spread to the entire flock, making other chickens fall ill as well.
2. Check for visible symptoms
Check your chicken from head to toe whether it has any wounds, injuries, parasites, and other visible symptoms.
These might help you get a better idea of its problem and how you can help your poor fowl.
3. Keep it full and hydrated
Your chicken might also display an uninterest to eat or even drink.
Make sure you always check its food, give it clean water, and force feed it using a syringe if necessary.
Starvation and dehydration would only make the situation worse.
4. Keep it safe and warm
Make sure you also isolate your chicken in a separate cage.
Install a warm light, a perch, and a warm bedding to keep your chicken safe and comfortable.
Letting it stay in the coop with other fowls may be dangerous since it can be a stressful environment.
5. Consult a veterinarian
The best way to treat your chicken is to seek help from a veterinarian.
The vet will diagnose the problem and give you a treatment that will help your chicken gain its energy and health together.
How Do You Know a Chicken Is Dying?
Unfortunately, not all lethargic chickens survive.
In fact, death is the usual outcome of a lethargic and unmoving chicken.
A dying chicken will hide its symptoms and weaknesses as much as they can.
It is their instinct to hide whatever will suggest their vulnerability to their predators.
You will know that your chicken is dying if it has already become lethargic, unmoving, shows withdrawal from the flock, sleeping more than usual, and not eating and drinking.
They may also behave unusually like tail down, fluffed appearance, and head drooping.
Wrapping Up
If your chicken is not moving but is still breathing and only shows lethargy, it is likely that your fowl is sick.
In this case, it is better to isolate it immediately to prevent the spread of its disease to other flocks.
Make sure you also keep your chicken full, hydrated, and warm while asking for help from a veterinarian.
Lethargy is a common symptom of many diseases, so it is difficult to treat a lethargic chicken unless you have the diagnosis of a veterinarian.
Unfortunately, lethargy is also a symptom of a dying chicken along with self-isolation, withdrawal from the flock, loss of appetite, and other concerning behavior.