Paper has probably been one of the most versatile items we have because they can really be used for many things!
In fact, some pet owners even use paper to take care of their pets.
For example they use paper for their bedding!
But can you also give it to your chickens, given their nature of foraging for almost everything they can see?
Believe it or not, some chickens do tend to eat paper, especially the shredded ones.
After all, chickens love foraging on items they can see on the ground that are tiny enough for them to consume.
While a piece or few pieces of paper will not generally give them trouble, it is still best to prevent them from eating it.
Some newspapers and papers contain toxins that may probably affect their health.
That is why it’s important to make sure there is no paper lying about where your chickens tend to stay and forage
Let’s get into more detail in this article
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Can Chickens Eat Shredded Paper?
Chickens can eat shredded paper and this is quite normal for them to do.
Most chicken owners even use shredded papers to make some beddings for their flocks.
Consuming papers will not really put them in a dangerous state, especially if the shredded papers are just plain, white papers.
Still, it does not mean that you should freely give your hens paper to eat.
While chickens sometimes forage on them, it does not mean it is a food for them.
Remember: to have healthy flocks, feed them healthy food too.
Papers are not included.
Is It Safe For Chickens To Eat Newspaper?
Generally, newspapers are not safe for chickens to consume.
While you may still use newspapers as their bedding and just let the chickens forage on them, it is highly advisable not to do so.
It is better to be safe than sorry, since newspapers contain inks that have tons of chemicals.
It would be a good idea to not to let your chickens eat newspaper because of some possible chemicals present on it.
While they may still be fine if they consume a very small amount, it is best not to risk their health in the near future.
Can Chickens Eat Paper Towel?
Well, chickens can eat paper towels if they have the opportunity.
However, it is still best not to intentionally give them these things as it has no benefit to it.
Remember that even if chickens can eat paper towels, it generally does not contain any nutrients that your fowls may gain.
In other words, it is pointless to give your chickens (and even chicks) some paper towels just because they can eat it.
Nothing beats a well-formulated, nutrient-packed feed to ensure that your fowls are strong and healthy.
Can I Put Shredded Paper In Chicken Coop?
It is uncommon for chicken owners to use shredded papers as their chickens’ beddings.
After all, they make perfect beddings for your flocks and are highly inexpensive.
Paper is also readily available, making them one of the most accessible beddings available for chickens.
Generally speaking, you can use shredded papers in chickens’ coop.
Just be wary that using shredded papers increases the chances of it being eaten by your fowls.
It is still the matter of preferences, but try to make sure you limit your chickens from consuming it.
It is also best not to use newspapers, but only the plain, white ones.
Newspapers and their colored pages contain toxins that may affect your chickens’ health in the future.
The best thing to do is use straw, sand or pine shavings
At least you know they’re not eating paper
Let’s see exactly what you can use for chicken bedding
What Can I Use As Chicken Bedding?
There are a lot of chicken beddings available for you to use that are not only healthy, but provide enough warmth and comfort for your chickens.
Most are accessible and can be pretty inexpensive, making it also perfect and comfortable to your budget.
Some chicken bedding that you can use are straw and hay, pine shavings, cedar shavings, sand, grass clippings, shredded leaves, and shredded plain papers.
These choices are excellent to use, inexpensive, and are all readily accessible any time.
Just make sure that all bedding you use are free from chemicals and any other toxins that may be consumed and inhaled by your chickens while resting.
What Is Best For Chicken Bedding?
Naturally, you would want to provide your chickens a comfortable, warm, and safe bedding.
Each bedding option has their own pros and cons, and at the end of the day, your preferences will matter.
But to help you out, look out for the bedding that have great moisture absorption, moisture release, cleanliness, low bacteria load, and are non-toxic.
One of the easiest, most accessible, and probably inexpensive to use for chicken bedding is sand.
Generally, sand tends to dry quickly and has great moisture absorption.
You can also make sure that bacteria and other viruses will not thrive in their bedding as well.
Sand is safe for chickens to use given how this option is relatively non-toxic as well.
Can I Put Wood Chips In My Chicken Coop?
Wood chips are excellent to add in your chicken coop, aside from their bedding.
This helps them to prevent a muddy coop which can be somehow uncomfortable for your fowls.
Wood chips also help your chicken to forage for bugs quite easily too.
They are accessible, inexpensive, and have strong durability as well.
They will last pretty long and since they are natural material, this means they will break down on its own that you can easily clean as well.
Wrapping Up
Paper is one of the common options of chicken owners to use as bedding for their fowls.
However, chickens tend to eat their paper beddings.
It is not entirely bad for them, but chickens will not gain any nutrients nor benefits from eating papers or shredded papers.
Still, shredded papers can make good chicken beddings as well.
They are inexpensive, readily accessible, and are easy to clean as well.
However, just make sure that you use plain paper and not newspaper just to make sure that no chemicals are on it.
Plain paper is best if you want to use paper as bedding