Newspapers have long been considered as versatile and good material.
After all, we all use newspapers in many different ways.
For bird owners, newspaper is a good material to keep for their bird cage beddings or as something that can be chewed by their lovely birds.
This might be pretty concerning and shocking for you, isn’t it?
Cage bedding is one thing, but is newspaper safe for birds to chew?
Birds love to chew and shred newspaper to maintain their beaks.
The material composition and the ink might concern you, but ease your worries!
The lead component in newspaper is long gone, so there’s nothing to worry about your birds’ safety.
The newsprint nowadays also uses organic and safe materials to produce them.
So, generally speaking, newspaper is completely safe for your birds to use as their bedding or a material to keep their beaks well-maintained or even to keep themselves entertained.
If you have a parrot then you should check out my article – Why is my parrot eating newspaper?
Let’s get into more detail
Can Birds Eat Newspapers?
If you’re a new bird owner, you might only be using newspaper as your birds’ cage beddings to keep their home always clean.
But, are you aware you can also let your birds eat it?
Many bird owners let their birds play, use, and eat newspapers.
This might sound a bit weird as everyone knows that papers are not really edible.
Birds can eat newspapers as they are entirely safe for them to do so.
Some birds, like parrots, eat paper because of their nesting habits.
They also usually shred them into pieces and create their own nests out of them.
However, there are also birds that eat newspapers out of their curiosity, boredom, and hygiene instinct.
These are actually the usual reasons why they eat papers in general.
Birds chew newspapers to satisfy their curiosity and keep themselves entertained.
They also chew and nibble on these papers to keep their beaks properly maintained.
In fact, you can consider a newsprint as an inexpensive toy for your lovely birds.
Overall, birds can eat newspapers without having to worry about their safety.
Most materials used to produce them are now organic and non-toxic, making them absolutely safe and a great toy alternative.
Is Paper Toxic To Birds?
Absolutely not!
Unless your birds are capable of consuming tons and tons of newspaper, then it can be toxic for them.
Though this is almost impossible, so papers are not harmful to your feathered pets.
Newspapers used to be toxic not just to birds, but to other animals and other living things in the world.
This is because they were produced using lead and other toxic compounds dangerous to nature.
Fortunately enough, the modern papers, including newsprint, are now using safe and complete organic substances.
Papers are made up of 98% cellulose, and newspapers are included as well.
The only difference is that newspapers have ink printed on them which is most likely the cause of your concern.
Well, ease your worries!
To tell you the truth, even the printing inks are made up of safe substances!
The ink is composed of organic or artificial dye that cannot be lethal to birds, unless they consume a huge amount of it.
Another question that might pique your interest is whether all types of papers are safe for your birds.
Generally speaking, papers are safe for them since they are only made up of pure organic material.
You can let your birds play and use newspapers, bondpapers or computer papers, toilet paper, and even paper towels.
You should be wary, however, of those papers that have any kinds of adhesives, glue, toxic coloring and other dangerous chemicals that could potentially become lethal to your pets.
Can You Use Newspapers In Bird Cages?
Cages are the homes of your lovely birds.
This is where they eat, sleep, rest, and defecate in their everyday lives.
Naturally, it is a requirement and an obligation to fulfill as their owner to keep their cages clean, hygienic, and illness-free.
Newspapers are great materials to use to keep your bird cages clean all the time.
Most owners use newspapers as cage bedding where all dirt, dust, feathers, and even bird wastes can be accumulated.
Using them as your birds’ cage bedding is much more practical as they are easily removed and can be replaced.
Newspapers are always accessible in any market or stores near your neighborhood or downtown, so you don’t have to spend too much sweat and time looking for them!
In addition, newspapers are also cheaper alternatives than any other cage bedding available to use.
They are extremely inexpensive while also being incredibly good and safe materials for your birds.
Just make sure to also clean the bird cages with bird-friendly disinfectants to get rid of any unwanted odor, dirt, and bacteria in your precious birds’ homes.
Wrapping Up
Your birds eating newspaper might be pretty concerning at a glance.
After all, paper is not meant to be eaten.
However, newsprint nowadays are now made up of completely safe and non-toxic materials, including its ink.
Eating newspapers will only become dangerous to your birds if and only if they consume a seriously huge amount of it.
Which is almost impossible as birds even know what are the things that are completely edible for them.
While all papers are generally safe for your birds, make sure you do not give them any papers that have adhesives on it.
If you’re also looking for cheaper and better cage bedding, newspaper is your way to go!
They are inexpensive, accessible, and good material to keep your birds’ cages clean and hygienic all the time.
Newspapers are great materials to keep and use, and they certainly should be considered essential in bird keeping!