Can Parrots Eat Guava? 

Guava is probably one of the most common and familiar fruits for parrots.

They’re extremely common in their native countries, particularly in Asia and other tropical countries.

Of course, you may wonder if this specific fruit is healthy and safe for your parrot, right?

If you are looking for a great addition to your feathered friends’ diet, guava might become a great option to consider! 

For everyone’s information, guava is a tropical fruit that has a similar taste to pears but with an added crunch.

It is considered also a safe and officially non-toxic fruit for your parrot, so you can wash away your concerns regarding its safety.

In fact, your bird friends can eat guava without wasting anything.

Its skin, seeds, and flesh are all safe to eat for your birds! 

Let’s get into more detail

But before we do..

Make sure to check out my ultimate in-depth guide on what parrots can eat. I created this guide to make it easier for you to find out what parrots can eat without the need for you to browse other websites. It makes things super easy for you to have all the information on one page. Check it out now>> What Do Parrots Eat (Ultimate In-Depth Guide)

Benefits Of Guava For Parrots 

Can Parrots Eat Guava? 

Parrots will not only enjoy the taste of guava, they will also gain a lot of nutritional benefits!

Guava is also a nutrient-packed fruit perfect to add, balance, and meet the nutritional requirements for your bird.

Take a look at the benefits of feeding guava to your parrot

Vitamin C

Guava is rich in vitamin C best to boost the immune system of your parrot.

This vitamin also aids in keeping their bones, blood vessels, tissues, and muscles healthy.

It also aids in iron absorption greatly enhances your parrot’s blood circulation as vitamin C also prevents cholesterol, and maintains blood sugar level.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential to keep your parrot’s skin and feathers vibrant and healthy.

It is a great antioxidant that also keeps your parrot’s senses, including vision and hearing, in its optimal condition. 


Boosting and keeping your parrot’s digestive system is important.

Fortunately, guava is rich in dietary fibers best in maintaining their digestive functions.

Fiber also helps in preventing heart diseases, respiratory illnesses, and even cancer. 


In case your pet bird is anemic, feeding them guava might help them feel better.

After all, this fruit is also rich in iron that is best to treat anemia.

It also helps in the regulation of your bird’s body temperature, strengthening their immune system, and a great source of energy to keep them focused. 

Overall, Guava is pretty healthy for your parrot to munch on – Happy days!

But here’s an interesting question..

Is It Okay To Give An Entire Guava To Your Parrot? 

Parrots can eat all the parts of a guava: its skin, flesh, and even seeds.

You can also give an entire guava to your parrot and let them eat and enjoy it away.

There is nothing to worry about the safety as parrots can only become healthy eating it. 

Just be sure to wash its skin to remove any dirt or any substances to make it safer.

Fresh guava is also the best choice in feeding your parrot as it contains the highest possible amount of nutrients for your bird.

Cooking, mashing, and even stewing the fruit could reduce the nutritional level it has. 

How To Serve Guava To Your Parrot?

There are various ways to serve guava to your parrot, and you can serve it the way your pet wants to eat their snacks or food.

Some parrots enjoy tearing away fruits, while some prefer to eat without any hassle. 

Regardless of the way you feed it to your parrot, it will never affect the nutritional value of the fruit.

You can give the entire fruit and let your bird eat it the way they want, but you can also try to chop, juice, and even remove the skin or seeds if you are not confident about it. 

Before you feed guava to your pet bird, make sure to thoroughly wash it first to clean its skin and prevent any parasites, dirt, and other substances.

Chop the guava like how you prepare an apple, so your parrot can eat it without any troubles. 

You can also try to juice the fruit by blending it with water.

This not only maximizes the nutrients it has, but it can also be a way to hydrate your pet. 

Your parrots can eat the skin and seeds of the guava, but some parrots don’t enjoy it because of the bitter taste of guava skin.

Seeds might become a choking hazard for young parrots, so you should remove them as well just to be on the safe side

Can All Parrot Species Eat Guava? 

Definitely a yes!

All parrot species can eat guava.

This fruit is absolutely safe and non-toxic for your parrots, so you don’t have anything to worry about.

However, this would not mean that you will keep on feeding them guava.

There are still dietary requirements you need to monitor and sustain to keep your birds healthy. 

Keep feeding them a balanced meal and feed them guava along with other fruits and vegetables to ensure your bird’s health and diet. 

How Can You Tell If The Guava Is Ripe For Your Parrot? 

Parrots may refuse eating guava if it is unripe since it will likely have a bitter taste.

Fresh and ripe guava fruit is the best to feed your parrot, so they can enjoy the sweet taste it has.

So, how can you tell if the guava fruit is ripe and ready to eat? 

There is a wide difference between a ripe and unripe guava fruit.

Unripe guavas are extremely dark green in color and are very hard to touch. 

Meanwhile, ripe guavas have yellow-green, and may have a pink hue, color in terms of appearance.

They are also soft and easy to squeeze with your hands.

Check the fruit’s scent as they should have a sweet-lemony scent, even without smelling it directly.

They might also be slightly bigger than unripe guava fruits that are easy to spot among the pile. 

Wrapping Up

Guava is a complete safe fruit for your parrot to eat.

They can also eat its flesh, skin, and seeds, and enjoy all the nutritional benefits good to keep them healthy and strong.

It is also best to give them fresh and ripe guava, so you can be sure of the sweet taste and high amounts of nutrients. 


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