Can Parrots Eat Plums? 

Another healthy and tasty fruit everyone loves to top their meals or add into their smoothies is plum.

It is small, typically oval-shaped that comes with a red, purple, or yellow color that is naturally sweet and juicy to eat.

Of course, you would love to share the taste with your parrots,

But are plums considered safe to eat for your Parrot? 

Plums are definitely safe to eat for your parrots.

Most birds love to eat plums because of their sweet and juicy taste.

Many bird owners usually feed plums to their birds as treats or snacks because plums are full of vitamins and antioxidants as well.

If you’re looking for a new fruit to offer to your parrots, plums are one of the best options!

Just make sure you remove the seed before giving them to your pet as it contains toxic substances to them. 

Make sure to check out my ultimate in-depth guide on what parrots can eat. I created this guide to make it easier for you to find out what parrots can eat without the need for you to browse other websites. It makes things super easy for you to have all the information on one page. Check it out now>> What Do Parrots Eat (Ultimate In-Depth Guide)

Benefits Of Plums For Your Parrot

Plums are not only considered safe fruits for your parrots, but they also give several nutrients they need.

As you know, plums are packed with different vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

They are perfect options to also supplement the nutrient requirements of your birds. 

Vitamin A 

A healthy parrot will have healthy senses and feathers.

Parrots that have vitamin A deficiency often have weak immune systems, dull feathers, and vision problems.

Plums are a great source of vitamin A needed to keep your parrot’s feathers perfectly vibrant and healthy. 

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient needed to keep your parrot’s immune system, cardiovascular system, overall the whole body being healthy!

This particular vitamin is also found in plums which aids your bird to become protected against various diseases, particularly health problems. 

Vitamin K

Though you would not like to have your feathered friends get injured, Vitamin K will ensure that there will be no problems regarding blood coagulation of your bird.

This helps them generate blood clots whenever they are injured or wounded. 

Calcium And Magnesium

It is also best to keep your parrot’s bone health strong and healthy.

Calcium is a great nutrient essential in keeping their bones in perfect condition.

It also helps in blood clotting, their hormone secretions, and even metabolism.

Magnesium, on the other hand, helps calcium to aid your parrot’s bones.

It is also responsible for keeping your birds’ nervous and digestive system in their optimum condition. 

Is It Okay To Give The Plum Skin To Your Parrot? 

Plums can be eaten with their skin, so you don’t have to worry about them being inedible for your parrot.

In fact, plum skin has a different taste compared to the flesh of the fruit which is often sweet.

It gives a tart flavor, greatly enhances the tasting experience of your bird. 

Most parrots enjoy eating plums, including its skin.

However, be reminded that there’s a possibility that plums are sprayed with pesticides or waxes for the production process.

Any chemicals might be harmful and critical to your parrot’s health, so thoroughly wash the skin before feeding it to them. 

If you can grow your own plums that would be better, of course if it’s possible

How To Prepare Plums For Your Parrots? 

While plums are naturally healthy and safe for your parrots to eat, there are ways to follow when it comes to serving them.

Before anything else, make sure you thoroughly wash the plum to remove any chemicals and waxes in the skin.

This would ensure your parrot is safe from chemicals. 

Though plum skin is safe for your parrots, it is still optional to have it removed for them.

To do this, simply boil the plums for 15 seconds, then quickly dump it in cold water.

This method would help you peel the skin easier. 

Remember that plum stones or the pits are not safe for your feathered friends.

Make sure you remove any stones from the fruit first as it contains cyanide which is lethal to birds.

It is also too hard to eat which would not let your bird enjoy its food. 

Only feed plums in moderation as it also contains high amounts of sugar.

Be sure to chop or cut the plums into bite sizes to make it easy for your birds to eat and digest. 

Are There Any Negative Effects Of Giving Plums To Your Parrot? 

Generally speaking, plums are considered safe for your parrots.

However, overfeeding them with plums could cause some negative effects to their health.

Hence, it is imperative that you must only give it in moderation. 

If your bird has special dietary requirements due to some reasons, be sure to consult with a veterinarian first.

After all, plums are sugary fruits which can impose some complications with birds that have conditions. 

Plum stones contain cyanide which are considered toxic for them.

Thoroughly check for any pits before giving them to your feathered friends to avoid troubles.

If your parrot is eating plums for the first time, gently introduce the fruit first, and see if there are any bad reactions such as allergies. 

It is also best to only give fresh plums to your feathered friends, and avoid dried plums called prunes.

This is because of the too much sugar content which can be dangerous for them. 

Wrapping Up

Plums are sweet, tasty fruits that are great additional food for your parrot’s diet.

They are entirely safe to eat, except for its plum stones.

Many bird owners love to feed their parrots with plums because of its high nutritional contents like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and other minerals. 

Only feed plums to your parrots with moderation.

Be sure to mix it with other fruits and vegetables to achieve a balanced diet to keep them strong and healthy all the time. 


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