Can Parrots Eat Honeydew Melon?

Parrots thoroughly enjoy eating a variety of different vegetables and fruit as well as seeds and pellets.

While vegetables can add up to one third of their daily diet, they can also enjoy a few pieces of fruit more as a treat because of their high sugar content. 

So you may be wondering

Can parrots eat honeydew melon?

The answer is yes!

Parrots sure do enjoy eating honeydew melon

They actually have some really good benefits too

Want to learn more?

Carry on reading!

Make sure to check out my ultimate in-depth guide on what parrots can eat. I created this guide to make it easier for you to find out what parrots can eat without the need for you to browse other websites. It makes things super easy for you to have all the information on one page. Check it out now>> What Do Parrots Eat (Ultimate In-Depth Guide)

Benefits Of Eating Honeydew Melon For Parrots

Can parrots eat honeydew melon 

Most parrots really enjoy eating honeydew melon as it tastes really sweet and delicious.

Honey dew melon is full of fibre which is good for your parrot’s digestive tract and also contains vitamin C.

Honeydew melon is also full of sugar so it is important just to give your parrot just a few small pieces as a treat. 

Parrots enjoy eating other types of melon including watermelon and cantaloupe as well as more unusual varieties such as Korean melon and Santa Claus melon. 

Because fruit is high in sugar content, it is best to offer your parrot just 20% of his diet as fruit, nuts and seeds.

If this sounds a relatively small amount, it is because pet parrots use less energy than parrots living in the wild, so they need less sugar and fat in their diet to keep them really healthy. 

How To Feed Honeydew Melon To Parrots?

You can cut small pieces of honeydew melon to feed your parrot or you can enjoy the melon with your family and give your parrot the skin so that he can peck out any remaining flesh and even a little part of the skin as this is also edible.  

Can Parrots Eat Honeydew Melon Seeds?

Parrots can eat a variety of seeds that are found in grapes, cantaloupe melon, cranberries, honeydew melon, pomegranates and watermelon.

These seeds are not only safe for your parrot to eat, but are safe for all birds to eat. Your parrot can also eat the seeds of citrus fruits- oranges, grapefruits and lemons.

Parrots can also eat seeds from several vegetables including squashes, pumpkins, chillies and peppers.

Can Parrotlets (Baby Parrots) Eat Honeydew?

Baby parrots living in captivity can start to eat food at about 5-6 weeks of age, although the weaning process is unlikely to start for another two weeks.

Baby parrots can be given soft seeds to eat plus very small portions of fruit and vegetables.

It is important to just give tiny portions of melon to your baby parrot because of the fruit’s high sugar content.

What Other Fruit Can I Feed My Parrot? 






Citrus fruits




Passion fruit






The most important point to remember is to just give your parrot small portions of fruit as a treat, but also give him a great selection of different vegetables every day as this will keep your parrot happy and healthy.



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