Can Budgies Eat Tuna?

Budgies make fabulous pets as these creatures are popular for their funny ways, affectionate nature, and being low-maintenance pets.

But, even with birds as sturdy and easy-to-care-for as budgies, you still have to be cautious as pet parents.

If you are wondering – Can budgies eat Tuna? 

Yes, budgies can eat tuna.

Yet, you have to be quite frugal with the fishy treat that you present to your budgie, as overeating a good thing can be harmful as well.

So, it is that many budgie owners who often run out of ideas of providing their birdies with boosts of protein wonder if it’s safe to feed tuna to their feathered friends.

Not to mention, many pet parents of budgies feel that it isn’t right for birds of prey such as budgies to be eating fish.

So, let’s look into the details and discover the benefits your budgie will get from consuming tuna and why you should practice caution with the amount of protein you give to your beloved pet.

Make sure to check out my resource page where you will find out what budgies can eat. I created this resource page to make it easier for you to find out what budgies can eat without the need for you to browse other websites. It makes things super easy for you to have all the information on one page. Check it out now>> What Do Budgies Eat (Ultimate In-Depth Guide)

Can Budgies Eat Tuna? (In Detail) 

Can Budgies Eat Tuna?

Budgies can eat tuna that has been canned in freshwater.

But, your budgie cannot eat tuna with oil, brine, sauces, and other additives.

You see, salt, spices, and most herbs aren’t recommended for budgies.

Tuna is a saltwater fish that belongs to the mackerel family.

You will discover that budgie owners often ask about tuna canned in water as it is the most commonly eaten food item that is usually available in every pantry.

Moreover, in a multiple-pet household, you will find that pet parents open a single can of tuna to treat their cat, budgie, and even dogs sometimes.

While budgies get their essential proteins from the specifically formulated pellets for budgies, tuna has to offer more than just proteins.

You see, tuna is packed full of nutrients and many vital minerals.

Tuna canned in water is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, riboflavin, and phosphorus.

Also known as vitamin B2, riboflavin is a water-soluble vitamin found in fish.

Now, riboflavin contains a crucial element known as coenzymes.

You will discover flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine, and together these enzymes promote growth, cellular function, cellular development and assure fluid metabolism (fat wise).

Another remarkable mineral present in tuna is omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids enhance the immune system, fight diseases, and prevent cancerous cell formation.

Another thing is omega-3 fatty acids help to keep at bay atherosclerosis.

Atherosclerosis is a recurrent disease found in captive birds where your bird suffers from the hardening of the arteries and blockade to the heart.

But, omega-3 inhibits inflammation within the blood vessels, keeping your budgie’s heartbeat healthy and strong.

And tuna is high in phosphorus too.

Phosphorus filters all unwanted waste from the body, repairs tissues, and cells, keeps the bones strong and provides energy.

The three crucial minerals for birds, particularly budgies, are calcium, vitamin D, and phosphorus.

Without adequate phosphorus, the proper utilization of calcium is not possible. 

So, it is that tuna makes such a superb treat for budgies as it contains all of the minerals – vitamin D, phosphorus, calcium, that are most necessary for budgie well-being and health.

Thing is though, would your budgie enjoy eating Tuna?

Let me know in the comments below if your budgie has ever had tuna, I’d love to know!

Can Budgies Eat Tuna Fish?

Yes, your budgies can happily eat tuna.

But, budgies cannot eat a lot of tuna as too much protein isn’t good for birdies either.

Excessive amounts of protein in a bird’s body can result in a compromised liver and kidneys.

Mercury is a heavy toxic metal that is naturally found in water or is caused by industrial waste.

Tuna is no exception, as most seafood in the world includes mercury.

Not to mention, tuna contains mercury.

Smaller fish possess tiny amounts of mercury, but larger fish such as tuna contain more mercury.

Also, sea creatures are affected by many other toxins due to pollution.

Birds have no system to digest mercury or any of these toxins in their bodies.

Hence, water-packed tuna is the most reliable and safest snack choice for your budgies.

And, even then, you need to ensure that you only offer your beloved pet minimal amounts of tuna so as not to make your budgie fall ill.

Can Budgies Eat Fish?

Can Budgies Eat Fish?

Budgies in the wild eat insects to get their fill of protein.

But, to provide your winged friend with appropriate levels of protein, you should consider supplying your pet with a varied and wholesome diet. 

Yes, budgies can eat fish, and other seafood as these are good sources of animal proteins.

Most fish are high in calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and phosphorus.

These minerals can enhance brain function, healthy bone development and growth, beak and feather quality, immune system, and energy levels.

But, once again, you must exercise control over how much fish or seafood your budgies eat.

In most cases, budgie owners are advised only to offer their beloved pet fish once a month.

Farm-grown fish like trout, salmon, herring, and sardines are the best bet when it comes to providing pollutant and toxin-free fish to your feathered friend.

Wrapping Up

Budgies can most definitely eat tuna and also fish.

Tuna offer plenty of health benefits even to birds like budgies.

But, you have to be careful about how much tuna you are giving to your beloved pet.

Some seafood once a month will do much good for your budgie. 

Always consult a veterinarian before giving your budgie new types of food 

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