Budgie Flying Around House

A budgie flying around the house is a good thing


Because they can’t be kept in their cages all day

They do need some out of cage time where they can roam around and be free

It’s a great exercise for them too and it’s keeps them happy and healthy which is the main thing right?

In this article you’re going to discover the following

  • Why does your budgie fly around the house?
  • When should you let your parakeet fly around the house?
  • Do budgies fly into walls?

So if you’re interested in all about budgies flying about the house then you’re going to love this article

Sound good?

Let’s get started!

Why Does My Budgie Fly Around The House?

Budgies are very sociable birds and they enjoy time outside of their cage

I mean, how long can they stay in their cage for?

They do need some freedom of course

So your budgie flying in the house is a good thing

There are many benefits of your birdie flying about

  • It keeps your parakeet healthy because flying is a exercise
  • Your budgie will be happy when they are let out of their cage. It gives them space and freedom to just roam around
  • Protects your birdie from being overweight and developing any illness such as fatty liver disease and tumors
  • If you have more than one budgie, letting them out gives them the opportunity to socialize outside of the cage

As you can see, a budgie flying about is a good thing

You should let your budgie out of their cage everyday

Question is – When should you allow flying time?

Let’s find out..

When Should I Let My Parakeet Fly Around The House?

There is no set time when you should let your budgie out of the cage

But you should try to keep a routine


Because this will allow you to make sure you take precautions before you let your budgie out

It just makes things easier too

You should always be there present when you let your birdie out

Before you allow your budgie out of the cage you need to make sure it’s safe

Last thing you want is the front door to be open and your budgie flies out

Here’s a checklist of what you need to do

  • Close all doors and windows
  • Turn off ceiling fans and stoves
  • Cover the mirrors or turn them over
  • Make sure there are no hot food or pans that are uncovered
  • Secure any other pets such as cats and dogs

These are all things you need to consider before you let your bird out

That’s why a routine would help ensure all this takes place

How Long Should You Let Your Bird Fly About?

There is no such set time

Maybe an hour or two for your budgies to get some good exercise

You could possibly do this just before they go to bed

Always make sure you are there in the room so you can keep an eye on them

Getting Your Bird Back Into The Cage 

This can be a mission!

But if you have done it plenty of times then it’s a piece of cake for you

The first few times can be difficult

But remember to always be gentle and speak to your bird in a soft tone

And don’t forget to give your budgie a treat when they go back into the cage

If your budgie is untamed then this can be even more difficult!

You can check out my article – How to get an untamed budgie back in it’s cage

Do Budgies Fly Into Walls?

This really depends on your budgie

How many times have they had a chance to fly around the house?

If it’s new to them there could be a chance for your budgie to fly into a wall

And yes it can be dangerous

The good news is you can prevent this


If you are letting your budgie out for the first time, maybe it would be a good idea to let them out in a small room

That way they won’t fly in full speed so they can judge the distance to wall

Once they get used to this you can gradually let them out in a bigger room and then the whole house

You could even cover the windows and doors for the first few times so they don’t think they can get to the outside

Remember, if they are learning then there are risks involved

Related article – Budgie out of cage for first time 

What If My Budgie Escapes Out Of The House?

This is the worst case scenario and it can happen

But if you make sure doors and windows are closed then it’s very unlikely your budgie would fly away obviously

If this does happen and you catch your budgie fly out of the house then you should do the following

  • Follow your budgie as much as you can and call out their name, your bird may just stop hearing your voice
  • If your budgie ends up in a tree then look for sudden movements and call out to your bird
  • Try to have their favorite treats in hand to try and lure him back

If your budgie has been missing for a long time then it can be near impossible for your budgie to come back unfortunately

But never lose hope!

Put posters all around the neighborhood

People will definitely notice an exotic colorful bird for sure!

You can get help from the local community, vets, zoos, animal control. Try reaching out to everybody!

It’s so important to have safety measures in place when you let your bird out of their cage

I hope it never comes to this situation ever

Related articles you may find interesting

How far can a budgie fly?

Why does my budgie fly away from me?

Why is my budgie flying low?

Can budgies live outside in winter?

Final Words

If your budgie is flying around the house this is a good thing

You should give some flying time to your little birdies

It’s a great exercise for them and will keep them happy too

Before you let your budgies out of their cage, it’s important to make sure it’s safe and there are no hazards

You should also be present just to keep an eye on them

If it’s the first time for your budgie to fly around the house, it would be a good idea to start in a small room then gradually allowing them to roam around the house



We at birdcageshere.com write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on birdcageshere.com is for educational purposes only. At birdcageshere.com we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.