In this article you’re going to learn why your budgie wants to come out of his cage
You’ll discover if it’s a good idea to let your parakeet out of their cage
Do they actually like being out of their cage?
Is it good for them?
What’s the reason they want to fly out?
Most importantly, is it even safe to do so?
So if this is something you want to learn about then you’re going to love this article
Sound good?
Let’s get started!
Why Does My Bird Want To Get Out Of The Cage?
Your budgie will of course want to come out of their cage and there are a number of reasons why
Is Your Budgie New To The Home?
If you’ve just recently adopted your budgie then chances are your birdie is feeling overwhelmed in their cage
This could be stressing your budgie out which is why it’s trying to get out of the cage
Everything is new to them
The house – it’s all a new environment
What you should do is cover most part of their cage
Birds naturally feel more safe when they are less exposed
When most of their cage is covered they feel more safe
This gives you a chance to bond with your parakeet and gives your birdie a chance to get used to you and accept you as part of their flock
Your budgie may be anxious
You may have another pet in the household
A puppy or a cat or even children or other adults
This is all new to a budgie if they’ve just been bought home
If this is the case
Try to keep the bird cage in a safe spot away from any other animals
Somewhere quiet for the time being
Let your budgie get used to their new home and then slowly introduce him to other animals and humans
Bonding with your budgie during these times is very important!
Spend quality time with your budgie
Spend time around their cage
Talk to your budgie is a soft tone
Give treats
Make your budgie feel comfortable and safe
You can check out my article How do I bond with my budgie where I go into more detail
Related article – Why does my budgie want to escape?
Now if your budgie is not a new addition but you have had him for some time
You may be wondering
Should I Let My Bird Out Of The Cage?
Yes birds need to be let out of their cage
This is very important
Because this the time where they get to exercise and socialize
They have more space to fly about and be free
Flying time also helps keep your budgie healthy and happy
If your keep your budgie in their cage all the time this can cause your birdie to become overweight
It can also cause illnesses such as fatty liver and tumors
How Long Should You Let Your Budgie Out Of The Cage?
Let your birdie fly about for an hour or so
This should be enough
Some budgie parents let their birdies roam around all day
If you’re okay with cleaning bird poop all day then why not I guess!
But do remember – Budgies poop everywhere!
Oh and they will poop on you too!
It would be best you keep them in their cage because they can ruin things too
Like your curtains and blinds etc
Let them roam around and keep on eye on them too
You should take safety precautions
What Do You Do If a Bird Is Out Of It’s Cage? Safety Precautions To Take
Before you let your budgie out of their cage in your home can be dangerous too
There are plenty of hazards that you need to be aware of
Such as
- Open doors
- Windows
- Stoves
- Ceiling fans
- Open pot of hot foods
- liquid
- Fireplace
- Mirrors
These are all things you need to make sure are taken care of before letting your budgie out
To prevent any accidents happening
Try and schedule a time for your budgie to have some flying time
Make a routine
So at a certain time during the day your budgie will be flying about
This will help you stay on track on making sure it’s safe for your budgie when they’re not in sight
As you can see it’s important to let your bird out of the cage
What About Untamed Birds?
Good question!
You should try to tame your bird before letting him out of the cage
If by chance they have been let out
Getting them back in their cage can be difficult
If you’re wondering how you can do this
Check out my article – How to get an untamed budgie back in it’s cage
Is It Cruel To Keep Birds In Cages?
It’s not cruel at all
As long as the budgie has a big large cage that has enough space to move about and fly about
If they’re kept in small cages then yes that’s cruel
It’s very important you have a large bird cage
Something like this
Prevue Hendryx Wrought Iron Flight Cage
This is huge and you can actually put plenty of budgies in there without it being too overcrowded
You can check it out over on Amazon by clicking here
Wrapping Up
There are a number of reasons why a budgie may want to come out of their cage
It could be because they are feeling stressed and anxious due to a new environment
Maybe your budgie wants to have some flying time
Regarding letting them out of the cage – you should allow this every day
Set up a routine and let your budgie have some flying time
Make sure to take all the necessary precautions as mentioned in this article
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