Can Budgies Eat Walnuts?

Many avian vets recommend nuts as a tasty treat for birds.

There are many kinds of nuts that budgies love to hog on.

But, while some only contain high-fat content.

There are a few, such as the walnut, that may have a slightly high-fat content.

Yet, the energy and nutrients that walnuts can offer are plentiful.

However, it is essential to discover whether this particular nut has any health benefits for budgies.

And if it is safe for budgies to consume as a regular part of its dietary regime. 

To answer the question

Can budgies can eat walnuts, then yes, they can.

can budgies eat walnuts

Walnuts hold no toxic element to cause any digestive or any other medical concerns in birds, budgies, or not.

Let’s go into more detail

We will cover the following

  • Are walnuts safe for budgies?
  • Benefits of walnuts for your birdie
  • Different kind of nuts budgies eat
  • Can budgies eat peanuts

Sound good?

Let’s “fly” right in!

Make sure to check out my ultimate in-depth guide on what budgies can eat. I created this guide to make it easier for you to find out what budgies can eat without the need for you to browse other websites. It makes things super easy for you to have all the information on one page. Check it out now>> What Do Budgies Eat (Ultimate In-Depth Guide)

Are Walnuts Safe For Budgies?

Yes, walnuts are perfectly safe for budgies.

However, budgies are tiny creatures that cannot handle opening or cracking open a walnut independently.

Hence, that task will fall squarely on your shoulders. 

It is crucial to keep in mind that you need to rinse the walnut when you feed your budgie before you crack it open.

You see, the fruit of the nut is safe from any contaminants.

The walnut’s outer shell comes into contact with many pesticides that can make the fruits inside toxic if the surface isn’t clean.

Furthermore, it would be best to take care when you crack walnut shells as these shells are quite hard.

Often, people injure themselves when cracking open walnuts.

And, when you feed your budgies walnuts, you have to chop them up into tiny pieces.

Larger pieces of walnuts can cause choking hazards.

Lastly, walnuts are healthy even for birds.

Yet, walnuts should never be given more than twice or thrice in a week.

Also, never give more than a spoon full of walnuts at a time.

Walnuts make wholesome and tasty treats.

But should never be presented as a meal.

Okay so we know it’s safe to give your budgie

Let’s look at the benefits it will bring to your little birdie

Benefits Of Walnuts For Budgies?

Walnuts are full of antioxidants. Antioxidants, polyphenols are superb to keep away heart-related diseases.

It contains Omega-3 Fatty Acids, which are fantastic to fight off heart conditions too.

Furthermore, walnuts decrease inflammation of any kind in the body.

So, you’ll know that your budgie is safe from underlying infections. 

Healthy gut flora is beneficial in keeping off the pounds, fighting cancer and other cardiac conditions.

And, that’s what walnuts can do for humans as well as budgies. 

Another health concern typical among birds is diabetes.

If your budgie is on the heavier side and has an unhealthy diet, it’s very likely to develop diabetes.

But, an occasional treat of walnuts every week can help alleviate the threat of diabetes.

Walnuts are also known to support healthy aging, lower blood pressure, and promote proper brain function.

So, all in all, walnuts make a delicious and healthful addition to your budgie’s diet.

Want to know what other nuts your budgie can eat?

Carry on reading…

What Kind Of Nuts Do Budgies Eat?

Nuts are more expensive than seeds. But, most nuts provide many nutritional benefits to budgies.

Yet, they ought to be given sparingly.

So, let’s take a look at a list of the various kinds of nuts that budgies can eat without fear of any ill-effects.

  • Acorns
  • Brazil nuts
  • Hazelnuts
  • Horse chestnuts
  • Monkey nuts
  • Peanuts
  • Pistachio
  • Walnuts
  • Pecans
  • Almonds


You can feed your budgies walnuts but you’re going to have to help your birdie by opening them up!

They can’t do it themselves of course

Don’t give too much to your budgie – it should be only given as a treat

Budgies are fantastic birds that make unique pets.

And, if you want your bird to live a long and healthy life, it’s imperative to provide it with appropriate care and a wholesome diet.

A proper pelleted diet formulated for budgies should make a significant part of your budgie’s meal.

On the other hand, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds make up 20% of its entire meal plan.

Yet, if you feel unsure about any food item that you want to introduce to your pet, it’s safe to consult with an avian vet before you do.

Or, you can look up the internet to get a general idea about the foods you can safely feed your budgie.

Till then, best of luck to you and your beloved budgie. 

Can Budgies Eat Peanuts?

Most budgie parents feel uncertain when it comes to feeding their budgies with peanuts.

You see, if you ever lookup on the internet if peanuts are safe for birds, you get the answer that they are. 

Yet, Donna Muscarella, Ph.D. at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology of Cornell University’s Veterinary Medical Center, states that ‘Aflatoxin’ is a group of toxins produced by certain species of fungi that most often contaminate peanuts. 

As human bodies are much larger, the tiny amount of toxin does not affect the human body quite as harshly.

When we look at budgies, the same contaminant can prove lethal.

So, Donna recommends that though peanuts aren’t dangerous for birds, it is safer to be cautious and steer away from peanuts under normal circumstances. 


And, if your budgie loves to eat peanuts too much, then you should only offer premium-quality peanuts that are stored in ideal conditions to prevent any toxicity. 



We at write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on is for educational purposes only. At we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.