Can Budgies Eat Scrambled Eggs?

There are times when you can run out of pellet food for your budgies aka Parakeet

New birdie parents tend to worry about the healthy choices they can feed their bird in such circumstances.

You must realize that budgies can eat any number of things, from fruits to raw veggies.

And, you can always offer your budgie a few sunflower seeds or peanuts until you can run to the store and get some more bird food. 

But, if you’re wondering about any other wholesome items that can become a permanent feature in your feathered friend’s diet, then continue to read on to discover a new and yummy option for your budgie.

Ever thought about giving your budgie scrambled eggs?

Question is – Can budgies (Aka Parakeets)  eat scrambled eggs?

Let’s find out!

Make sure to check out my ultimate in-depth guide on what budgies can eat. I created this guide to make it easier for you to find out what budgies can eat without the need for you to browse other websites. It makes things super easy for you to have all the information on one page. Check it out now>> What Do Budgies Eat (Ultimate In-Depth Guide)

Can Birds Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Can Budgies Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Yes, your budgie (Aka Parakeet) can most certainly feast upon an egg every once in a while.

Whole eggs are one of the healthiest and most nutritious meals available to man and animals.

And, whole eggs can be from chicken, quail, or duck.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein for your budgie.

Proteins are necessary for the construction of tissues and enzymes.

Reproduction, growth, and molting all require specific levels of nitrogen.

Proteins provide optimal quantities of nitrogen.

Furthermore, eggs contain riboflavin that is a vitamin that converts food into energy.

Moreover, eggs have a good source of vitamin A that is useful to birds in stress. 

Your budgie can chomp down boiled eggs.

Or, if you want budgies to have some variety in their diet, you can quickly scramble the eggs.

Just remember, do not use oil to fry.

Many budgies love to devour yolks, while others love to nibble at their boiled eggs.

But, it is undoubtedly a healthful element in your bird’s dietary itinerary.

Okay, so budgies can eat scrambled eggs

Next time you have some for breakfast – Give your budgie a taste!

But what about egg shells?

Can Birds Eat Egg Shells?

It may sound incredible, but birds can eat eggshells too.

Eggshells contain a hefty amount of calcium.

Calcium is vital for all birds.

If you have a nesting budgie, you would be doing the would-mother a favor by providing boiled eggs with shells.

And, if you find that hard to believe, then you’ll be stumped to know that eggshells are great for a smooth digestive system.

Many avian vets recommend a mix of pelleted food with crushed eggshells to support whole-body well-being.

Not to mention, feeding your birds eggshells rather than dumping them into the bin is a kindness to planet Earth.

Pretty amazing right how budgies can even eat egg shells

If you actually want to prepare egg food for your budgies carry on reading to find out..

How Do You Prepare Egg Food For Budgies?

Your budgie can chomp down boiled eggs.

Or, if you want budgies to have some variety in their diet, you can easily scramble the eggs.

Only, do not use oil to fry.

Many budgies love to devour yolks, while others love to nibble at their boiled eggs.

But, it is undoubtedly a healthful element in your bird’s dietary itinerary.

You can feed your bird raw eggs.

Budgies will happily eat the yolk, the egg white, and the shell.

Don’t have the meal lying around for long hours in your budgie’s cage.

Not only is that unhealthy for the bird.

Your bird can become a carrier of salmonella and cause infections in the environment.

What Foods Are Dangerous For Budgies?

Apart from keeping stale food in your budgie’s cage for long, you can harm your bird with foods that are toxic for it.

Avocados are known as a super healthy fruit.

But, for your budgie, it’s poison.

Similarly, chocolates and caffeine are mood boosters for humans.

But, for budgies, chocolate and caffeine are toxic.

Moreover, keep fruit pits and seeds away from your bird too.

Fruits like apples and pears have seeds that contain a cyanide-like substance that can quickly finish your bird off.

And onions and garlic are toxic for your adorable birdie as well. 

Human food, mainly processed stuff, is a definite no-no for budgies.

Your bird may show interest in what you eat.

But, if you want your budgie to live a long and hearty life, then steer clear of stuff that’s too high in sugars or fat. 

Before giving your budgie any new food or adding anything to their diet it’s always best to speak to the vets to make sure it’s healthy and safe for your little birdie

Conclusion – Can Your Parakeet Eat Scrambled Eggs?

Budgies can eat scrambled eggs but it’s best to stick with their normal food such as pellets

Once in a while is okay but not all the time

Some rules are universal when it comes to food.

Anything processed will not provide any nutritional value for you or your chirpy budgie.

However, budgies are known to be hardy birds.

They are minute creatures that require special care.

So, don’t allow your budgie to pig out on unhealthy snacks.

Just go over its dietary needs with an avian vet and try to incorporate as many healthy options into its meals to broaden its palate and horizon.

We at write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on is for educational purposes only. At we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.