Can Budgies Eat Bananas?

In the wild, budgies eat seeds, leaves, buds, bark, and insects.

And, in the wild, budgies need to forage for food.

But, when you want to know about your pet budgie’s dietary needs, things become a tad bit different.

The primary source of proteins for pet budgies should come from specially-formulated pellets.

Moreover, many budgie guardians recommend that you ought to find ways for them to forage for food even within a cage.

But that is another topic for another time.

Back to the topic at hand, budgie parents feel that there should be variety in their beloved pets’ foods.

So, we look at the very best snack that your budgie can enjoy – Bananas. 

So Can budgies eat bananas?

You’ll find out in this article

We’ll also talk about the following

  • Is banana safe for budgies?
  • Health benefits of bananas for your bird
  • Are bananas toxic to budgies?
  • How do you feed birds bananas?
  • What foods are toxic to budgies?
  • What are budgies favorite food?

Lots to cover so let’s go banana! (My god, that was a lame joke!)

Anyways let’s get started before I come out with some more not so funny jokes! Lol

Make sure to check out my ultimate in-depth guide on what budgies can eat. I created this guide to make it easier for you to find out what budgies can eat without the need for you to browse other websites. It makes things super easy for you to have all the information on one page. Check it out now>> What Do Budgies Eat (Ultimate In-Depth Guide)

Is Banana Safe For Budgies?

Can Budgies Eat Bananas?

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in the world.

And with good cause too.

You see, you can be human, budgie, or hedgehog and eat bananas to your heart’s content without fear of any health complications. 

When we speak specifically of budgies, though, you can’t be feeding your budgie bananas all day as too much fiber will give your budgie runny poop.

Yet, bananas are a great source of potassium, vitamin C, and manganese.

It’s superb for their digestive system and fuel for energy.

But, you have to take care that fruits and vegetables serve as treats for budgies.

And, not the main meal.

You can give it like a treat for your little birdie

Benefits Of Bananas For Budgies

Giving your little birdie just pellet food is okay but adding fruits and vegetables would surely only bring benefit to your budgie!

Giving your budgie nutritional fruits will keep your bird healthy and happy

Let’s look at the health benefits of bananas and why it is important to feed it your bird

Vitamin A 

  • If your budgie does not get enough Vitamin A this can lead to overgrowth of your birds beak and nails
  • It can also lead to chipping and flaking of the beak and nails. If this is not treated then this could result to their nails and beaks breaking! So make sure to add some banana to your budgies diet!

Vitamin C 

  • Vitamin C is a great way of reducing stress! Want a happy budgie that’s never stressed? Give some bananas!
  • Lack of vitamin C can cause problems to your budgies mental health
  • A healthy budgie is a happy budgie right? Vitamin C is really good for the immune system and also great at creating antibodies. This is vital for your budgies internal defense system

Vitamin B6 

  • Your budgie will definitely eat proteins and Vitamin B6 is great at breaking down proteins! Very important for healthy living!
  • If your bird does not have enough Vitamin B6 this can cause stunt growth and lack of appetite
  • Want your budgie to lay some eggs? Give them some bananas!


  • Potassium is great at strengthening bones and also it’s good at aiding the speed of their metabolism
  • Having a high potassium diet helps prevent strokes and also stops diseases such as kidney stones

As you can see, the benefits of giving your budgie bananas is huge!

You should definitely include it into your birds diet

Can Budgies Eat Banana Peels?

Can Budgies Eat Banana Peels?

Budgies can eat banana peels

They can actually digest it

You see, banana peels are made out of cellulose, which is a type of dietary fiber and this helps with indigestion

But here’s the thing

Not all banana peels are safe

They can be harmful


When they are sprayed with pesticides

So even if you clean it and wash it, the pesticide can still be in there because it gets absorbed into the fruits skin

Pesticide can be harmful to your bird which can cause reproductive issues and also death

If you want to give your budgie banana peels, it’s best to give fully home grown or organic

My advice would be to just give your budgie bananas and stay away from the peel

It’s best to be safe than sorry

You can also get advice from your avian vet

Are Bananas Toxic To Birds?

Bananas are not the least bit toxic for budgies.

On the contrary, bananas have many health benefits for budgies.

It would help if you weren’t feeding your birds banana peels, though.

Moreover, it would be best if you took care never to limit your budgie’s diet to bananas only.

Excessive intake of bananas will make your bird obese.

Also, some birds develop iron storage disease by eating too many bananas.

As mentioned earlier, fruits should be offered to budgies as snacks once or twice a week.

Be sure to offer fruits such as melons and apples, too, for the sake of variety and extra nutrients. 

Okay so now that we know bananas are okay for budgies

Question is, how do you feed it to them?

Let’s find out..

How Do You Feed Birds Bananas?

It’s never a good idea to serve your budgie a whole banana.

You have to remove the peel as banana peels contain cellulose.

Birds cannot digest cellulose.

Hence, banana peels can prove to be toxic to birds.

Furthermore, peels may have remnants of pesticides and other chemicals which may prove harmful for your little furry friend.

And, you have to cut the Banana into tiny bite-sized pieces.

This is simply a smart move as we don’t want any choking hazards.

Even though bananas are soft and yummy, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing.

So, try giving only a teaspoon or two, once or twice a week. 

Wrapping It Up 

Budgies make delightful pets.

They are sturdy creatures that do not require a lot of upkeep.

Not to mention, keeping a pet budgie is relatively cheap in terms of food.

Yet, it is an incredibly intelligent animal that is very sensitive to its environment.

You can’t bring in a budgie and ignore one thinking that it’s going to be okay. 

A budgie is a sensitive animal that requires as much love as your pet dog or kitty.

When it comes to their diet, you have to be regular about the meal times.

Also, a bit of diligence from your side will keep your budgie happy and healthy for a long time. 

Just stick to the basics – pelleted food formulated for budgies, fresh drinking water, fruits and vegetables, a clean and secure environment, and plenty of love.

A happy budgie is a healthy budgie

Here are some related questions you may be interested in

What Foods Are Toxic To Budgies?

Several food items should never be incorporated into your budgie’s diet. Here’s a whole list:

  • Avocados
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Salt
  • Apple seeds
  • Fruit pits
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Fat
  • Xylitol

Apart from these items, you need to remember that if you are keen on trying to feed your budgie something new, you ought to consult with the vet or look it up on the net about it.

Also, it’s wiser to err on the side of caution.

So, if you do come across something that may have reviews about toxicity, then steer clear of it. 

But what about what budgies love?

What are their favorite food?

What Are Budgies Favorite Food?

Many budgie lovers and new budgie parents comment upon their birdie keenness to eat fruits. 

It seems that the majority likes melons, apples, and bananas.

Budgies have a natural affinity to seeds too. Buckwheat, barley, and canary seed rank in the top three favorite seeds. 

When you look at vegetables, budgies prefer dark green leafy vegetables such as dandelion leaves, parsley, and spinach.

Budgies also love treats of orange veggies such as yams and pumpkin.



We at write about bird health and diet however it should not be taken as medical advice. For advice on your bird you need to seek out an avian vet. The information you find on is for educational purposes only. At we are not liable for any information that you may find on here. Birdcageshere is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice about your bird.